The best experience, a sustainable experience

Meliá Hotels International opened Villa Le Blanc, a Net Zero hotel combining luxury and sustainability for the best experiences.
Corporate awards
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Applied to:

The Hospitality Award for Sustainable Development

This award recognizes outstanding actions in the field of sustainable development that have contributed to ecological sustainability for the community, local populations, employees, and/or tourist sites as well as natural resources in the hospitality industry. The winning action will have demonstrated a commitment to environmental sustainability through innovative initiatives, effective management practices, and a measurable impact on reducing the industry's ecological footprint. This award recognizes programs that have made significant contributions towards a more sustainable future.

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The project:

Travel for GOOD: Meliá Hotels International’s ESG Strategy

Meliá Hotels International’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy, "Travel for GOOD," supports sustainable tourism and aims to make the company better for the planet. Hospitality is our passion, driving us to address global challenges and view sustainability as a means to create a positive legacy.

Villa Le Blanc: Luxury and Sustainability Combined

Meliá Hotels International believes that the best hotel experiences are sustainable. Villa Le Blanc, a Gran Meliá Hotel, exemplifies this belief. Opened recently, this state-of-the-art luxury hotel in Menorca is a prototype of a Net Zero hotel, showcasing that hotel renovations should focus on sustainability and upgrading the hotel product.

Location and Design

Located on Santo Tomás beach, Villa Le Blanc is set in an idyllic natural environment on Menorca’s Migjorn coast. The hotel, designed by architect Álvaro Sans, features contemporary design with simplicity and luxury, boasting 159 rooms, some with private pools. It incorporates Mediterranean architectural elements, creating a seamless blend of exterior and interior spaces.

Sustainability Features

Villa Le Blanc is designed to be the first carbon-neutral hotel in Menorca, reducing scope 1 and 2 emissions by 87% and offsetting remaining emissions. The hotel employs renewable energies such as biomass, solar, and geothermal, and uses seawater for air conditioning to improve efficiency, reducing electricity consumption by up to 40%.

Circular Models and Efficient Energy Management

The hotel utilizes circular models for waste management and efficient energy systems. Residual heat from air conditioning preheats water for use, rainwater is used for irrigation, and gray water is recycled in toilets. The hotel's commitment to sustainability extends to local craftsmanship and gastronomy, featuring cuisine based on local products.

Recognition and Impact

Villa Le Blanc received the Rethink award for the best hotel sustainability and rehabilitation project. It stands as a model for responsible, quality tourism, embodying Meliá Hotels International’s commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change.